Iniziamo parlando del nome, quello scelto per noi o che avremmo desiderato avere, individuiamo parole peculiari a ciascuna lingua, il cui nucleo apre ad associazioni e rimandi, custoditi nella memoria. Memoria che si fa materia e nutrimento nel rievocare pietanze quotidiane o festive, sempre legate a circostanze o persone care. Il nostro percorso nell’altra lingua scaturisce dal desiderio di unire e dare forma alla polifonia che racchiude ciascuna voce, singola e universale allo stesso tempo.
Published December 11, 2024
© Ubah Cristina Ali Farah
Bellinzona - Ubah Cristina Ali Farah
Written in Italian by Ubah Cristina Ali Farah
Translated into English by Ubah Cristina Ali Farah
Starting by talking about our names, the ones chosen for us or the one that we would have liked to have, we identified words peculiar to each language, opening up to associations and reminders that we kept in our memory. A memory that becomes matter and nourishment in recalling daily or festive dishes, always linked to circumstances or loved ones. Our journey in the other language arises from the desire to unite and give shape to the polyphony that contains each voice, single and universal at the same time.
Published December 11, 2024
© Ubah Cristina Ali Farah